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Blog Comment Poster Crack 12


Diana-- two issues with the above poster and his comments.First of all his comments are insulting and not respectful.Second of all this poster has been posting under multiple names (@Garbage comments, @Steve White and Revenge, @Revenge and (Lack of) Common sense, @James Thurber etc)Said poster has been spewing his/her venom at anyone that has dared to explain why they voted no on the recall.Except for his first "@" post, all subsequent ones should be deleted since they are in violation of forum rules

blog comment poster crack 12

Re-reading I think I made the mistake of bringing two topics in the same post \ud83d\ude41 Right now I think we should mostly focus on streamline how we use this blog more efficiently and go back to see if we had some good ideas that got lost in time. Then we\u2019ll work on the task management and TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the\/marketing team uses for example: https:\/\/\/b\/8UGHVBu8\/wp-marketing. and what not\u2026 Bear with me \ud83d\ude42 Sometime I do get completely OT\nLast summer I started keeping a record of all the posts here in our blog because I had this nagging sensation that a lot of the things that we post fall a little bit between the cracks.\nI also proposed to use a Trello board to follow project work within the team because sometimes we set out to do something and we get a bit lost on the way.\nBoth these behaviour are completely normal, who doesn\u2019t have a to-do list half checked? The thing is, as a team, we don\u2019t really have a to-do list that is shared with all the team members. Some of us have their own to-do list of things that they are doing for the Community Team but:\nIt\u2019s nice to share and be as transparent as possible within the team\nIf you share what you are working on and your progress, people might join you to help out\nDuring the years we discussed some ideas in our blog than were never transformed into actions\nWith these three things in mind, I would like to propose to:\ndo a \u201ctask sprint\u201d to abandon or move forwards with ideas we have entertained during the years and are somehow stuck in a limbo\nput together best practices to become more efficient in the future with how we propose things here, work on them, share progress, complete or abandon the tasks\nTasks Sprint\nI spent a few hours analysing the posts in out blog since August 2015, added some comments, catalogued them as Announcements, Solved, Ongoing.\nYou can find the spreadsheet here:\u00a0https:\/\/\/spreadsheets\/d\/14QMlfvqX1U6OtdCB-tXP16l4LIcjx2F39kA00ao9tJg\/\nTo my pleasant surprise the number of solved and ongoing issues is basically the same, so yay!\nI think it would be great if each one of us, that has posted here in the past two years, would take time to:\nGo through the list of your posts\nIf the proposal\/issue\/call for feedback is solved, please post a comment that summarises the comments, if needed, or says what is the result of the discussion: maybe we created a tool, a pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory https:\/\/\/plugins\/ or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party, we gave the green light to a new event, etc\u2026 You can do so by using the Top Comment functionality\nIf the post is not solved, ask yourself:\nDo you have the bandwith, passion, urgency, and energy to carry on? If yes, please commit to revive the discussion somehow: pingPing The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it\u2019s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of \u201cPing me when the meeting starts.\u201d people that showed interest, post it in the community-events or community-team channel in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https:\/\/\/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https:\/\/\/chat\/. and look for other people that are passionate about this, post on your social media channels to recruit help. If necessary post an update in the blog, add the task to Trello (more on that later). Basically, take it to the end-zone!\nIf the answer is no, please also post it in the Top Comment\n\nIn both cases, please update the Google Spreadsheet with the open issues\nDeadline: July 22nd. I will bring this up in the next three Team chats \ud83d\ude42\nHow to manage this in the future\nObviously manually checking for new posts, writing comments, etc\u2026 is not a sustainable way to move forward with our projects.\nSo here is what I propose to do to streamline our task management\/discussion process.\nWrite a post on how to post in the blog (how metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress.!) and make it Sticky\nWe will probably need to address the categoryCategory The 'category' taxonomy lets you group posts \/ content together that share a common bond. Categories are pre-defined and broad ranging.\/tag issue that comes up regularly so people can also add this information to the posts\nWe should use a standardised way to introduce the posts so casual readers know if this information is relevant to them in this particular moment. We also discussed this in the past and we need to formalise it\nWill you look at that! I made a first draft \ud83d\ude42 It\u2019s open for comments, but if you want to be able to make suggestions just ask for access.\n\nWhen people post, especially for the first few times, let\u2019s help them follow the procedure: if any of the experienced deputiesDeputy Community Deputies are a team of people all over the world who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and generally keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about deputies in our Community Deputy Handbook. sees that the post is missing something, please help the poster out\nDiscussion follows and there are three possible outcomes:\nNo replies, the topic for some reason, any reason, doesn\u2019t get any traction. After the deadline (which should always be included in the post), the author can post a Top Comment to close this.\nYay replies, one person is capable to moving forward with the task on their own. They\u2019ll finish up with whatever they proposed to do and post a Top Comment to close the discussion and report on the decisions\/actions. I am thinking for example of a discussion like this one.\nYay replies, complex task\u2026 hello team project! If the idea gets traction, people weigh in but to turn it into reality you need a group of people, this is where Trello comes into play!\n\nTrello\nI created a Trello board after we agreed we would try it to manage more complex tasks and projects. So this is not to keep track of ongoing tasks like HS triage, vetting, orienting, etc\u2026 but for things that need to be split into subtasks and would benefit from a group of people working on it.\nThis is a work in progress and we probably need to review the guidelines to use it as well. So far I just copy\/pasted the text from the Marketing team and I will try to get this going before our first July chat.\nExamples\nChanges in documentation\nOften we discuss things in our channels and we say \u201cOh! This should be added to documentation\u201d and sometimes we don\u2019t follow through. Let\u2019s have an open card \u201cChanges in Handbook\u201d, whenever we say this, let\u2019s add the link to the Slack chat or any other link so we don\u2019t forget about this. In this way we don\u2019t rely on one person to do that, but anyone with access to the Community website can make the change and mark it as done.\nMeetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. Organisers Roundtable\nThis wonderful experiment has the potential to become a monthly appointment for the Community organisers out there, but it can not rely only on one person. With Trello, Birgit can add tasks, check what has been done, have a group of people working with her, etc\nAll right, cut to the chase, what do you want from us?\nAgree or disagree with the proposal in the comments\nGo through your open threads and try to solve them, one way or another before July 22nd\nRead the draft I prepared with best practices for posting\nEvaluate Trello for your Community projects\nThank you!Share this:TwitterFacebookLogin to ReplyClear to-do","permalink":"https:\/\/\/community\/2018\/06\/19\/proposal-how-to-use-this-blog-for-discussions-and-task-management\/","unixtime":1529417315,"unixtimeModified":1563139974,"entryHeaderMeta":"","linkPages":"","footerEntryMeta":"","tagsRaw":"","tagsArray":[],"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/\/?","hasPrevPost":true,"prevPostTitle":"Weekly Updates","prevPostURL":"https:\/\/\/community\/2018\/06\/18\/weekly-updates-70\/","hasNextPost":true,"nextPostTitle":"Call for volunteers: Contributor Drives Document","nextPostURL":"https:\/\/\/community\/2018\/06\/20\/call-for-volunteers-contributor-drives-document\/","commentsOpen":true,"is_xpost":false,"editURL":null,"postActions":"Post ActionsLogin to ReplyScrollShortlink","comments":["type":"comment","id":"display-top","postID":"18372","postTitleRaw":"Proposal: how to use this blog for discussions and task management","cssClasses":"comment byuser comment-author-francina bypostauthor odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 top-comment comment-display-top","parentID":0,"contentRaw":"Proposed Guidelines for Posting: https:\/\/\/community\/2019\/07\/05\/proposal-how-to-use-this-blog-for-discussions-update\/\nTrello: https:\/\/\/community\/2019\/07\/12\/announcement-guidelines-for-using-trello\/","contentFiltered":"Proposed Guidelines for Posting: https:\/\/\/community\/2019\/07\/05\/proposal-how-to-use-this-blog-for-discussions-update\/\nTrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the\/marketing team uses for example: https:\/\/\/b\/8UGHVBu8\/wp-marketing.: https:\/\/\/community\/2019\/07\/12\/announcement-guidelines-for-using-trello\/\nTop commentView in context","permalink":"https:\/\/\/community\/2018\/06\/19\/proposal-how-to-use-this-blog-for-discussions-and-task-management\/#comment-27047","unixtime":0,"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/\/?","approved":true,"isTrashed":false,"prevDeleted":"","editURL":null,"depth":1,"commentDropdownActions":"","commentFooterActions":"Login to Reply","commentTrashedActions":"Untrash","mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","commentCreated":0,"hasChildren":false,"userLogin":"francina","userNicename":"francina","type":"comment","id":"25510","postID":"18372","postTitleRaw":"Proposal: how to use this blog for discussions and task management","cssClasses":"comment byuser comment-author-sippis even thread-even depth-1","parentID":"0","contentRaw":"I absolutely love the idea of task sprint to close open proposals and discussions that have been hanging there! Also having a Trello board and actively using it, would also help sooooo much new community team members to get a good sight of what is going on.\n\nWrite a post on how to post in the blog (how meta!) and make it Sticky\n\nI'm not sure if I like the idea of the sticky post. P2 frontpage is the first place to check what's happening, having a sticky could possibly lead to a false feeling that nothing has happened. In my opinion, the \"Recent Posts\" in the sidebar is rather useless though. Maybe it could be replaced with a short description about posting instruction and link to the full post?\n\nAbout the deadlines on posts: should we have some instructions what is a good deadline? Sometimes the deadline comes automatically because proposed thing needs to be done before some date, but how about more discussional proposals? Maybe settings the deadline day or two before next community team meeting?\n\nThank you for taking the time to list P2 posts and making this proposal!","contentFiltered":"I absolutely love the idea of task sprint to close open proposals and discussions that have been hanging there! Also having a TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the\/marketing team uses for example: https:\/\/\/b\/8UGHVBu8\/wp-marketing. board and actively using it, would also help sooooo much new community team members to get a good sight of what is going on.\nWrite a post on how to post in the blog (how metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress.!) and make it Sticky\nI\u2019m not sure if I like the idea of the sticky post. P2P2 P2 or O2 is the term people use to refer to the Make WordPress blog. It can be found at https:\/\/\/. frontpage is the first place to check what\u2019s happening, having a sticky could possibly lead to a false feeling that nothing has happened. In my opinion, the \u201cRecent Posts\u201d in the sidebarSidebar A sidebar in WordPress is referred to a widget-ready area used by WordPress themes to display information that is not a part of the main content. It is not always a vertical column on the side. It can be a horizontal rectangle below or above the content area, footer, header, or any where in the theme. is rather useless though. Maybe it could be replaced with a short description about posting instruction and link to the full post?\nAbout the deadlines on posts: should we have some instructions what is a good deadline? Sometimes the deadline comes automatically because proposed thing needs to be done before some date, but how about more discussional proposals? Maybe settings the deadline day or two before next community team meeting?\nThank you for taking the time to list P2 posts and making this proposal!\n","permalink":"https:\/\/\/community\/2018\/06\/19\/proposal-how-to-use-this-blog-for-discussions-and-task-management\/#comment-25510","unixtime":1529480807,"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/\/?","approved":true,"isTrashed":false,"prevDeleted":"","editURL":null,"depth":1,"commentDropdownActions":"","commentFooterActions":"Login to Reply","commentTrashedActions":"Untrash","mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","commentCreated":"1529480807","hasChildren":false,"userLogin":"sippis","userNicename":"sippis","type":"comment","id":"25560","postID":"18372","postTitleRaw":"Proposal: how to use this blog for discussions and task management","cssClasses":"comment byuser comment-author-psykro odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1","parentID":"0","contentRaw":"@francina thank you for the work put into this proposal. While I don't disagree that there is merit in putting processes into place, I do feel that this is also a good time to bring up a discussion around the community decision making process we discussed last year.\n\nhttps:\/\/\/community\/2017\/08\/31\/decision-making-process-discussion-summary-and-proposal\/\n\nMy personal opinion is that once we can implement a leadership team (or teams, either fixed or cyclical) a decision making process and, more importantly, a process for agreeing on the priority for managing tasks and then implementing them, then we can more easily make these kinds of process decisions. \n\nFor example, this is a great proposal, which may or may not cause some discussion around it. However, how can we be sure that folks will implement this process going forward, what do we have in place to measure it's success. If it did create mixed feelings and\/or ways to solve the problem we may need someone to make a 'final call'. At this stage, who is that person?\n\nI hope you don't mind me hijacking your proposal to bring this up again, but reading your proposal reminded me of the previous discussion, and I thought it might be valid to re look at it.","contentFiltered":"@francina thank you for the work put into this proposal. While I don\u2019t disagree that there is merit in putting processes into place, I do feel that this is also a good time to bring up a discussion around the community decision making process we discussed last year.\nhttps:\/\/\/community\/2017\/08\/31\/decision-making-process-discussion-summary-and-proposal\/\nMy personal opinion is that once we can implement a leadership team (or teams, either fixed or cyclical) a decision making process and, more importantly, a process for agreeing on the priority for managing tasks and then implementing them, then we can more easily make these kinds of process decisions. \nFor example, this is a great proposal, which may or may not cause some discussion around it. However, how can we be sure that folks will implement this process going forward, what do we have in place to measure it\u2019s success. If it did create mixed feelings and\/or ways to solve the problem we may need someone to make a \u2018final call\u2019. At this stage, who is that person?\nI hope you don\u2019t mind me hijacking your proposal to bring this up again, but reading your proposal reminded me of the previous discussion, and I thought it might be valid to re look at it.\n","permalink":"https:\/\/\/community\/2018\/06\/19\/proposal-how-to-use-this-blog-for-discussions-and-task-management\/#comment-25560","unixtime":1530824381,"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/\/?","approved":true,"isTrashed":false,"prevDeleted":"","editURL":null,"depth":1,"commentDropdownActions":"","commentFooterActions":"Login to Reply","commentTrashedActions":"Untrash","mentions":["francina"],"mentionContext":"","commentCreated":"1530824381","hasChildren":false,"userLogin":"psykro","userNicename":"psykro","type":"comment","id":"27047","postID":"18372","postTitleRaw":"Proposal: how to use this blog for discussions and task management","cssClasses":"comment byuser comment-author-francina bypostauthor even thread-even depth-1 top-comment","parentID":"0","contentRaw":"Proposed Guidelines for Posting: https:\/\/\/community\/2019\/07\/05\/proposal-how-to-use-this-blog-for-discussions-update\/\nTrello: https:\/\/\/community\/2019\/07\/12\/announcement-guidelines-for-using-trello\/","contentFiltered":"Proposed Guidelines for Posting: https:\/\/\/community\/2019\/07\/05\/proposal-how-to-use-this-blog-for-discussions-update\/\nTrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the\/marketing team uses for example: https:\/\/\/b\/8UGHVBu8\/wp-marketing.: https:\/\/\/community\/2019\/07\/12\/announcement-guidelines-for-using-trello\/\n","permalink":"https:\/\/\/community\/2018\/06\/19\/proposal-how-to-use-this-blog-for-discussions-and-task-management\/#comment-27047","unixtime":1563139959,"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/\/?","approved":true,"isTrashed":false,"prevDeleted":"","editURL":null,"depth":1,"commentDropdownActions":"","commentFooterActions":"Login to Reply","commentTrashedActions":"Untrash","mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","commentCreated":"1563139959","hasChildren":false,"userLogin":"francina","userNicename":"francina"],"postFormat":"standard","postMeta":"isSticky":false,"resolvedPostsPostState":"resolved","resolvedPostsAuditLogs":["timestamp":1529423922,"log":"Francesca Marano marked this to-do","avatar":"","timestamp":1563139974,"log":"Francesca Marano marked this done","avatar":""],"postTerms":"category":["label":"Community Management","count":409,"link":"https:\/\/\/community\/category\/community-management\/"],"post_tag":[],"post_format":[],"pluginData":[],"isPage":false,"mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","isTrashed":false,"userLogin":"francina","userNicename":"francina"}]Timi Wahalahti7:46 am on June 20, 2018I absolutely love the idea of task sprint to close open proposals and discussions that have been hanging there! Also having a TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: -marketing. board and actively using it, would also help sooooo much new community team members to get a good sight of what is going on. 2ff7e9595c

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