By default, VROC NVMe RAID support is limited to use with only Intel-branded NVMe drives (feature B9X7). If you wish to enable RAID support for non-Intel NVMe SSDs, select the VROC Premium license using the ordering information in the following table. VROC Premium is fulfilled as a Feature on Demand (FoD) license and is activated via the XCC management processor user interface.
[HOT] Teamspeak 3 License Key Generator
If software support is required for Lenovo XClarity Administrator, or premium features such as configuration management and operating system deployment are required, Lenovo XClarity Pro software subscription should be ordered. Lenovo XClarity Pro is licensed on a per managed system basis, that is, each managed Lenovo system requires a license.
LXEM is a licensed product. A single-node LXEM license is included with the XClarity Controller Enterprise upgrade as described in the Remote Management section. If your server does not have the XCC Enterprise upgrade, Energy Manager licenses can be ordered as shown in the following table.
What i've done in basic is modifing the existed code from the examples shown in the teamspeak php framework site. I used the Android user list for the most code. From there on its just trying and debugging ;)