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IBM Liberty: A Modern and Innovative Java Runtime - Download and Try It Today


Download IBM Liberty: A Lightweight and Flexible Java Runtime

If you are looking for a fast, reliable, and easy-to-use Java runtime for your applications, you might want to consider IBM Liberty. IBM Liberty is a next-generation application runtime that accelerates the delivery of cloud-native applications, allowing you to rapidly deliver differentiating innovation. In this article, we will explain what IBM Liberty is, what are its benefits and features, and how to download, install, and run it.

download ibm liberty

What is IBM Liberty?

IBM Liberty is a lightweight Java runtime that is ideal for building microservices, modern monolithic applications, and anything in between. It is built on the open source Open Liberty runtime and is compatible with MicroProfile and Jakarta EE. IBM Liberty supports the latest Java standards and technologies, such as Java SE 11, Java EE 8, MicroProfile 4.0, Jakarta EE 9.1, and more. It also provides enterprise-grade capabilities, such as high availability, clustering, security, monitoring, and administration.

The benefits of IBM Liberty

IBM Liberty offers many benefits for developers and organizations who want to create and deploy applications in a trusted, secure, and open environment. Some of the benefits are:

  • Performance: IBM Liberty is optimized for containerized deployments, continually auto-tuning its performance to the environment. It has a fast start-up time, low memory footprint, high throughput, and scalability.

  • Cost: IBM Liberty helps reduce infrastructure and license costs by requiring less resources and supporting flexible pricing models. You can also use Open Liberty for free with IBM support if you have a WebSphere Application Server license.

  • Flexibility: IBM Liberty allows you to enable only the features that your application needs, making it modular and adaptable. You can also create your own features or use third-party features to extend its functionality.

  • Productivity: IBM Liberty helps you to be productive with tools of your choice. You can use intuitive developer tools for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, or IntelliJ IDEA. You can also use dev mode to automatically detect changes in your code and deploy them to your running server.

  • Openness: IBM Liberty is built on the open source Open Liberty runtime and is committed to open standards. You can avoid vendor lock-in by using the latest MicroProfile, Jakarta EE, and Java EE specifications. You can also contribute to the Open Liberty community or use its documentation and resources.

The features of IBM Liberty

IBM Liberty provides a rich set of features that enable the runtime capabilities that your application needs. Some of the features are:

  • Web container: Supports servlets, JSPs, JSFs, web services, RESTful services, web sockets, and more.

  • EJB container: Supports stateless session beans, singleton session beans, message-driven beans, timers, asynchronous methods, transactions, security, and more.

  • JDBC: Supports relational database access with connection pooling, distributed transactions, data sources, drivers, SQL queries, and more.

  • JMS: Supports messaging services with queues, topics, connection factories, message listeners, message-driven beans, transactions, security, and more.

  • JPA: Supports persistence services with entities, entity managers, queries, criteria API, caching, transactions, security,

and more.

  • JAX-RS: Supports RESTful web services with annotations, providers, filters, interceptors, clients, JSON processing, and more.

  • JAX-WS: Supports SOAP-based web services with annotations, handlers, clients, XML processing, and more.

  • CDI: Supports context and dependency injection with annotations, scopes, qualifiers, producers, disposers, interceptors, decorators, events, and more.

  • Bean Validation: Supports validation of Java beans with annotations, constraints, groups, messages, and more.

  • JSON-B: Supports binding of Java objects to JSON and vice versa with annotations, adapters, serializers, deserializers, and more.

  • JSON-P: Supports parsing and generating of JSON with object model API and streaming API.

  • JAXB: Supports binding of Java objects to XML and vice versa with annotations, adapters, schema generation, validation, and more.

  • JAX-RPC: Supports remote procedure calls using SOAP-based web services with stubs, skeletons, handlers, clients, and more.

  • JTA: Supports distributed transactions with annotations, user transactions, transaction managers, synchronization, and more.

  • JNDI: Supports naming and directory services with contexts, bindings, lookups, referrals, events, and more.

How to download IBM Liberty?

You can download IBM Liberty in different ways depending on your needs and preferences. Here are some of the options:

Download as a ZIP file

You can download IBM Liberty as a ZIP file from the . You can choose from different editions and versions of IBM Liberty. For example, you can download the full platform edition that includes all the features of IBM Liberty or the base edition that includes only the core features. You can also download the latest release or a specific release of IBM Liberty. After downloading the ZIP file, you can extract it to any location on your file system.

Download as a Maven or Gradle dependency

You can download IBM Liberty as a Maven or Gradle dependency from the . You can specify the group ID as io.openliberty, the artifact ID as openliberty-runtime, and the version as the desired release of IBM Liberty. For example,

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<dependency> <groupId>io.openliberty</groupId> <artifactId>openliberty-runtime</artifactId> <version></version> <type>zip</type> </dependency>

This will download IBM Liberty as a ZIP file to your local Maven or Gradle repository. You can then unzip it to any location on your file system.

Download as a container image

You can download IBM Liberty as a container image from the . You can choose from different tags that correspond to different editions and versions of IBM Liberty. For example,

docker pull openliberty/open-liberty:full-java11-openj9-ubi

This will download the full platform edition of IBM Liberty with Java 11 OpenJ9 on Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI). You can then run IBM Liberty as a container using Docker or any other container platform.

How to install and run IBM Liberty?

You can install and run IBM Liberty in different ways depending on how you downloaded it. Here are some of the options:

Install from a ZIP file

If you downloaded IBM Liberty as a ZIP file, you can install it by extracting it to any location on your file system. For example,

unzip -d /opt/ibm

This will create a directory called wlp under /opt/ibm, which is the installation directory of IBM Liberty. You can then run IBM Liberty by using the server command under the wlp/bin directory. For example,

/opt/ibm/wlp/bin/server start defaultServer

This will start the default server instance of IBM Liberty, which is configured by the server.xml file under the wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer directory. You can then access your application by using the URL

Install from a Maven or Gradle dependency

If you downloaded IBM Liberty as a Maven or Gradle dependency, you can install it by using the liberty-maven-plugin or the liberty-gradle-plugin. These plugins allow you to create, configure, and manage IBM Liberty servers and applications. For example, you can use the following Maven command to create a server instance and install an application:

mvn liberty:run-server -DserverName=myServer -DappArchive=myApp.war

This will create a server instance called myServer under the target/liberty/wlp/usr/servers directory, install the application myApp.war to the server, and run the server. You can then access your application by using the URL

Install from a container image

If you downloaded IBM Liberty as a container image, you can install it by using Docker or any other container platform. You can use the Dockerfile or the docker-compose.yml file to define how to build and run your container. For example, you can use the following Dockerfile to create a container image that includes IBM Liberty and your application:

# Use the full platform edition of IBM Liberty with Java 11 OpenJ9 on UBI as the base image FROM openliberty/open-liberty:full-java11-openj9-ubi # Copy your application to the dropins directory COPY myApp.war /config/dropins/ # Expose port 9080 for HTTP access EXPOSE 9080

You can then build and run your container image by using the following Docker commands:

# Build your container image with the tag my-image docker build -t my-image . # Run your container image with the name my-container docker run -d --name my-container -p 9080:9080 my-image

This will run your container image as a detached process, map port 9080 of the container to port 9080 of the host, and name your container as my-container. You can then access your application by using the URL

Run IBM Liberty in dev mode

If you want to develop your application with IBM Liberty, you can use dev mode to automatically detect changes in your code and deploy them to your running server. Dev mode also provides useful features such as hot testing, debugging, and code completion. You can use dev mode by using the liberty-maven-plugin or the liberty-gradle-plugin. For example, you can use the following Maven command to start dev mode:

mvn liberty:dev

This will start a server instance with your application and monitor your source files for changes. Whenever you save a file, dev mode will recompile and redeploy your application. You can also run tests, debug your code, or interact with dev mode using commands.


In this article, we have learned what IBM Liberty is, what are its benefits and features, and how to download, install, and run it. We have seen that IBM Liberty is a lightweight and flexible Java runtime that supports the latest standards and technologies, provides enterprise-grade capabilities, and enables rapid delivery of cloud-native applications. We have also learned how to use different methods to download IBM Liberty as a ZIP file, a Maven or Gradle dependency, or a container image. We have also learned how to use different methods to install and run IBM Liberty from a ZIP file, a Maven or Gradle dependency, or a container image. Finally, we have learned how to use dev mode to develop our application with IBM Liberty.


  • Q: How can I get support for IBM Liberty?

  • A: You can get support for IBM Liberty by using the , where you can ask questions, report issues, contribute code, and more.

  • Q: How can I update IBM Liberty?

  • A: You can update IBM Liberty by using the installUtility command under the wlp/bin directory. This command allows you to install or update features from an online or offline repository. For example,

/opt/ibm/wlp/bin/installUtility update

This will update all the features that are installed on your IBM Liberty server. You can also specify a feature name or a feature group name to update a specific feature or a group of features.

  • Q: How can I customize IBM Liberty?

  • A: You can customize IBM Liberty by using the server.xml file under the wlp/usr/servers directory. This file allows you to configure the server settings, such as the server name, the port number, the features to enable, the application to deploy, and more. For example,

<server description="My Server"> <featureManager> <feature>javaee-8.0</feature> <feature>microProfile-4.0</feature> </featureManager> <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*" httpPort="9080" httpsPort="9443" /> <applicationManager autoExpand="true" /> <applicationMonitor updateTrigger="mbean" /> <application location="myApp.war" type="war" contextRoot="/myApp" /> </server>

This will configure a server with the description "My Server", enable the Java EE 8 and MicroProfile 4 features, set the HTTP and HTTPS ports to 9080 and 9443 respectively, enable auto-expansion and monitoring of applications, and deploy the application myApp.war with the context root /myApp.

  • Q: How can I secure IBM Liberty?

  • A: You can secure IBM Liberty by using the securityUtility command under the wlp/bin directory. This command allows you to create and manage keystores, certificates, passwords, users, groups, and roles for your IBM Liberty server. For example,

/opt/ibm/wlp/bin/securityUtility createSSLCertificate --server=myServer --password=secret

This will create a self-signed SSL certificate for your server with the password "secret". You can also use the server.xml file to configure the security settings for your server, such as the SSL configuration, the authentication mechanism, the authorization policy, and more.

  • Q: How can I monitor IBM Liberty?

  • A: You can monitor IBM Liberty by using the , which is a web-based tool that provides real-time and historical metrics and alerts for your IBM Liberty server. You can access the dashboard by using the URL You can also use other tools such as JConsole, Visual Studio Code, or Prometheus to monitor your IBM Liberty server.



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