This is an updated and redone version of the one done by PsychoMachina. Many thanks to PsychoMachina for allowing us to redo and add some features to the race. (Some text is from his original post since it is still the same.
Skyrim Monli Race
I got it here. Installed through MO2. I made a character and it seems to be working. There are no presets and the character has green warpaint under her eyes that I can't remove and lipstick and warpaints appear off center. I noticed it comes with racecompatibility but I already have that mod overwriting. I'll try moving this mod lower so that makeup mods don't overwrite and see if that fixes the makeup issue.
yes that race does not use the racecompatibility from TMPhoenix which is on nexus Skyrim SE. i ported and used the one made by Himika with the updates for dawnguard and yes it should not have a green tint on the eyes or lips could be a mod conflict
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I've been playing(pretty much exclusively) as and editing the old monli race for the past year/year and a half. Along the way I've made a few technical developments/advancements; as this is pretty much my favorite race I thought we might be able to combine our efforts...
I should tell you that I'm also working on a multi-race mod featuring most of the female Tera races. I was planning on incorporating the Monli with the Tera race pack so that all races will inhabit Skyrim. Just letting you know in case their might be unforseen issues.
I've got a system for completely isolating a custom race from the vanilla head parts and assets, such that conflicts between content a user has installed for the vanilla races and the custom race are no longer possible. This implementation does cause a few minor issues with mods that add extra hair or eyes, but I've made custom edit scripts for tes5edit that automate pretty much the entire process, such that someone with zero experience with tes5edit can handle it.
I also have, along with the help of some other people, created a working automatic armor swapper. This was made pretty much exclusively for loli races, however there are likely many other possible applications. The main point is that a race integrated with this no longer needs custom armor forms made to utilize resized armor and clothing meshes, merely having the files in the proper folder and running the associated skyproc based patcher is enough. Internally it works the same way as the vanilla races do, by using unique races to configure the ARMA forms.
I must admit that I'm pretty much completely inexperienced when it comes to CME and versions of ECE past 1.0, and my skeleton scaling experience has been limited to static scales applied in the skeleton file. I've been playing around with a custom race on my own, but I'm pretty much completely useless from a creative standpoint. If I could get the technical bits into the hands of someone such as yourself to make use of them that would seem to be the best solution, so if any of this sounds useful just let me know...
I'm making some moderate changes such as using a master file instead of a plugin and including both CBBE and UNP meshes and all of the textures to the core setup so that only a plugin is needed to use a particular body rather than installing the body separately. This should make the process of creating followers and assigning different bodies and textures to NPCs easier and, in the case of the loli Tera races for example, I can assign a different body for each race and by installing a particular plugin, you can choose which race you want as your pc while still having those races in-game as NPCs.
yes i def use Ece and for strange reason when im for example on Nord race the hand slider is there , if i go back to monli , it dissapears for some reason , most of the other sliders are still there , i think only shoulder and hand slider dissapear .... , im using unp tbbp x117 option btw .
I'm not sure I follow you exactly regarding the multi body support; I'm assuming you intend to setup separate naked body armo/arma sets and assign them on a race/npc basis? If that is the case it should not interfere, however there is still the issue of UV mismatches for armor etc between races/npcs using different bodies.
I guess I'll go a bit more in depth on the various systems. For isolating the head parts there's two things to take care of; moving away from the vanilla formlists(which results in having to patch hair/eye mods to get them to work) and duplicating the vanilla art files and moving them into a separate folder, I've got both of these pretty much completely automated via script in tes5edit. The goal is to set the race up so that it doesn't use any nif/tri/texture assets in the vanilla locations, with a race configured in this way the end user is free to install/uninstall/destroy their data folder however they like and it will have exactly zero impact on the custom race, compatibility troubleshooting is no longer required. As i mentioned previously it involves making copies of all of the vanilla assets and setting them up in a new folder unique to the mod, any custom files are then applied on top of that, and any records referencing content from the vanilla locations need to be patched(or duplicated then patched in the case of records in skyrim.esm). I'm probably doing a bad job of explaining this, I'll send you a link to a mod I made that has all this implemented already so you can look at it.
Regarding the armor patcher, it takes surprisingly little modification to implement. Basically I've got it setup the same way as the vanilla races(in terms of race specific ARMA records), by not setting an armor race on the custom race and letting it act as its own armor race. Obviously this would break all armor normally as it isn't going to have the custom race defined on it, this is where the patcher comes in. It does virtually all the heavy lifting, generating a patch that adds race specific ARMA's to all clothing/armor in the load order, and if replacement models are found in a specified folder(with directory structure matching that of the main meshes folder) it swaps the paths automatically. The only downside at present is the patcher has to be manually configured for each race in the code for the patcher. That, and you need to remember to regenerate the patch every time you add/remove a mod. 2ff7e9595c