from: the last 3 monthsthe last 6 monthsthe last yearall time 10 December 7th, 2022vBrawl Ike Eruption GFX by ilikepizza107 with credit to extreme for the REFF editing guide. P+ & TE & PM Dev teams for the P+ Ike PSA [Character - Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Ike] Designed for use with Project+ v2.3.1This mod contains two modified FitIke.pac files that makes his neutral special GFX use his vBrawl flame effects. FitIkeR.pac also changes the on-hit effect of his sweetspot dair to use flames instead of aura 42 January 1st, 2022Ruby Rose (Post-Timeskip) by Cal242 with credit to Discord Brawl mod community for helping me with the errors. And LCat4Ever [Character - Import - Ike] This import was completed on August of 2021, but was kept under wraps until now. This Mod was an attempt to appeal to the RWBY Fanbase, but in the end does not look as intended.Glitches - The Rig sort of looks like crap In other words, if you intend on fixing the model, or do anything else, you have my blessing to do so. If the preview is broken, click on the broken preview button Happy New Year KC,MM! 25 October 22nd, 2021Nayan Dimonmax Ike Skin v3 by darlaltonthebearcat [Character - Texture - Ike] Nayan is Back to super smash bros Brawl and now with a better quality than the previous versionUpdates:+New Rim lighting shader+replaced Hair model+New info faces, profile pics for the smash and icons+Nayan have new Expressions faces,Now you will see Nayan closing his eyes or moving his mouth when he talks or gets attacked+The Deigamer pallette of Nayan Dimonmax has been updated to look like his newer look. 141 June 28th, 2021Dante With Alastor import (DANTE) V1 by NickirixXT/GoldenXP with credit to Jaystring for original import [Character - Import - Ike] Imported from DANTE 1. Planning to update to use mii outfit sword and maybe dmc1 original head. 34 July 29th, 2021Mega Alice by Stanley Cannon [Character - Texture - Ike] Ladies and Gentlemenmay I present the dataalice as in a bad rap ofher creating a Karate queenfrom all this time of a blossomin darkness she may not workanyway so go away use her 39 April 25th, 2021Orochi X by Calypso, Kyouma [Character - Import - Ike] 127 March 11th, 2021Ruby Rose by Naji Kanuyo, windhunter7 with credit to NoWon1196, Ozci (The Models Resource) [Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Ike] Hey Everyone it's been awhile since i posted anything at all in this site it was because i was trying my best to be more better than what i can do, and reality had hit me like a truck...but due to covid mostly making things worse for all of us, so i decided to take time and get my rendering style abit more better so bye bye to Brawlbox/Brawlcrate type of renders i've improved so right now i bring for you to day a new recolor pack from me is Ruby Rose from RWBY With full on recolors i made in the pack.This model was imported by Windhunter7Includes:Recolors: Cross Tag Blue,Yang,Neopolitan,Penny,Ragna,YuCSP'S & BP'SStock IconsFull Render /w RecolorsProfile IconWallpaperSeries SymbolName Tag (Ultimate Style)Project M & vBrawl CSSEXTRA:Blender Scene (If you want to make your own Palette)I Went out my way To do this thing really so i might as well try to post something in this website ya know...but in any case i hope everyone enjoy this pack.Till then.\"Just Keep Dreaming on!\" 39 February 3rd, 2021Black/Demon Asta Over Ike by windhunter7 with credit to Never Underestimate 30XX, Eagle-31 [Character - Vertex, Import - Ike] This was a request by Never Underestimate 30XXAlso, check out my website: Table of ContentsI.SummaryII.What's NewIII.About RequestsIV.CreditsI. SummaryA request by Never Underestimate 30XX, this is an import of Demon Asta (Black Asta) (From Black Clover: Quartet Knights) over IkeII. What's NewA. New CharactersDemon Asta / Black AstaB. New ModelsBlack Clover Custom ModelIII. About RequestsI do requests of all kinds, but only commissions nowFor more information, you can visit my website at IV. CreditsA. Idea: Never Underestimate 30XXB. Model: Eagle-31 -31/art/BCQK-Demon-Asta-blend-FBX-811998094 53 February 3rd, 2021Asta Over Ike by windhunter7 with credit to Never Underestimate 30XX, Eagle-31 [Character - Vertex, Import - Ike] This was a request by Never Underestimate 30XXAlso, check out my website: Table of ContentsI.SummaryII.What's NewIII.About RequestsIV.CreditsI. SummaryA request by Never Underestimate 30XX, this is an import of Asta (From Black Clover: Quartet Knights) over IkeII. What's NewA. New CharactersAstaB. New ModelsCustom Model of AstaIII. About RequestsI do requests of all kinds, but only commissions nowFor more information, you can visit my website at IV. CreditsA. Idea: Never Underestimate 30XXB. Model: Eagle-31 -31/art/BCQK-Asta-blend-FBX-811996470 175 December 3rd, 2020Smash Ultimate Ike Model Import by Walk [Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Ike] Not Kitsu's Import.Ike!Includes baked textures.Now Includes recolours. 57 November 18th, 2020Gilgamesh (Fate/Extra CCC) over Ike by AnothenBlue [Character - Import - Ike] This is kind of an old mod that's been collecting dust for a while, so, I decided to release it. Really nothing special these days as it's just a model swap. 52 September 16th, 2020Resplendent Black Ike by Cahalan [Character - Texture - Ike] Inspired by his makeover in Fire Emblem Heroes, Ike gets a new Resplendent Black costume. Also because no one else has tried this as far as I know.Comes with the full render, the costume, and UI assets. 134 September 9th, 2020Ike (Kitsu BrawlEx) by Lillith with credit to Project M Team, Azure Doctor [Character - Import, Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Ike] So so sorry for the upload spam, Suddenly I'm uploading a bunch of stuff separately for no reason.Code!Effect.pac Roster Expansion System (RSBE.Ver) [JOJI]Codes found on JOJI's site-- navigate to the bottom of the sidebar 'SSBB CODES' 72 July 17th, 2020Shun_One's Mars, Maritime, and Chrom Ike Recolors Reupload by tyleto, Shun_One with credit to SJS for holding onto the files for so long [Character - Texture - Ike] As I was rendering out Ike stuff in one of SJS old poses, I noticed that the download links were down for these recolors. I asked SJS if he still had the files from back when he was doing requests and thankfully he did. These recolors are honestly too good to be lost, so I'm glad I'm able to put them back out there. Banner has original in game pictures. 77 February 3rd, 2021Ruby Rose (Smite) Over Ike by windhunter7 with credit to NoWon1196, Ozci (The Models Resource) [Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Ike] This was a request by NoWon1196.Also, check out my website: Table of ContentsI.SummaryII.What's NewIII.About RequestsIV.CreditsI. SummaryA request by NoWon1196, this is an import of Ruby Rose (AKA Thanatos) (From Smite) over IkeII. What's NewA. New CharactersRuby RoseB. New ModelsSmite Ruby Rose ModelC. New TexturesA Slightly Edited Texture (To Make It Look Better at the Collar Specifically)III. About RequestsI do requests of all kinds, but only commissions nowFor more information, you can visit my website at IV. CreditsA. Idea: NoWon1196B. Original Model by Ozci at the Models Resource: 54 April 5th, 2020Capeless White Ike (No Cape) by Mazux, Psycho_Ghost with credit to Shun_One [Character - Texture, Vertex - Ike] Credit goes to Psycho_Ghost for their mod (White Ike) which I used as a templateVersion 1.0Includes:-CSP-BP-SITested in Project M 3.6 Legacy TE 2.1 128 January 11th, 2020Cobalt Legacy Ike + Ultimate Pose CSProject by JokerPTOH with credit to VirtualBeef for the original Ike Ultimate Pose CSProject, CSProject team for allowing me and many others to make cosmetics, Cobalt Legacy Team for the dope Ike costume [Character - Texture, Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Ike] Title says it all, includes the costume itself since maybe some of you don't have it. Includes SD and HD cosmetics. I didn't include crops, masks and blend since you can get them from VirtualBeef's Ike Ultimate Pose CSProject. My Discord Server: Message me if there is any issue whatsoever andI'll try my best to get it resolved. Have a good one 373 January 23rd, 2021Smash 3C Revised Ike by Layell with credit to VirtualBeef, ledgerewskie, Large Leader, Crixler, Codex-9, Taiko, Tailsmiles249, Large Leader, Shun_One, Moblin, iwantgames, Nezha the Scout, Satoshi, Mewtwo2000, PMDT [Character - Texture, Import - Ike] He's the mercenary who fights for his friends, and renowned for being the first main character in Fire Emblem who isn't of royal birth. Smash 3C Revised Ike comes with his default costume from Path of Radiance, his Armored PM outfit, and his Hero costume from Radiant Dawn.Each outfit comes with 10 recolours.Check out more about Smash 3C revised on our website: 30 November 14th, 2019Ike Recolors by 1133 [Character - Texture - Ike] Ever wanted a reskin for Ike's blue and gold costumes? Well, here you go!For his blue costume, I made the white on his top the color of his hair. For his gold costume, I replaced the brown on his top with yellow to show more gold color.Enjoy!P.S. The HUD shown on Imgur was changed by me. I customized the numbers and recolored some HUD elements. The only thing borrowed here is from the Smash 3 HUD. However, this is not included with the download. 238 November 2nd, 2019Ultimate Ranger Ike Model Import by Lillith [Character - Import - Ike] Alt .zip link !tqxxHIiA!oFwTWdcZjamE4TtwJedyAD0pD4WTdMrXK3vmsGzKLnIDon't uh.. feel like doing screenshots unfortunately. Eh.Preview video shows him with Ettard, buuut that's a personal version, just pretend he's got Ragnell.Another 'not quite necessary' thing, but something very nice to have, is this code [Legacy TE] Always use PACs instead of PCS files [DukeItOut] * 0484CB40 60000000 118 July 6th, 2022Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Model Import by Lillith with credit to KuroKairaku, SciresM, Ploaj, ninetalescommander [Character - Import - Ike] Update, hopefully he's less worse now!Has four variants, no eyepatch messy hair, no eyepatch ponytail, and eyepatch versions of the two.Previous version !9q5kWYKb!IJdZdsjvU5vOVEtWZZFcAbmT2Iic0kWJzNvlRDpZ0z4Previous alt .zip link !p7JSkAJQ!RO8eb1DI8v8A2lR5bxtpXy6A3v_kFqDDLNWnKxaCEf8Prince Blue! I love how this guy looks so barbaric post timeskip, I dunno why though. hmmmmmmm.[Legacy TE] Always use PACs instead of PCS files [DukeItOut] * 0484CB40 60000000 28 August 27th, 2019Bad Bully Ike by esbohorquez with credit to WorseDoughnut and Pokemaster Ely [Character - Texture, Vertex - Ike] Custom PR skin for Arizona's own Bad Bully! 51 August 26th, 2019Darios (Fire Emblem: Warriors) Model Import by Lillith with credit to KuroKairaku [Character - Import - Ike] Alt .zip link !kCQ0SCAY!iKWJ3j1ArO1fkSGtxLvl7Bza1S07vZq155lHYVFnFK0Behold! My favourite of FE Warriors' characters. Although seeing as it's a choice of three, there's not so much choice there, huh?English voice is Xander Mobus, the current announcer of Smash, neat huh?The 'evil' render was done up by KuroKairaku, as well as the rip itself, and there is a link to the original render in a text file, so if you want it follow that.A 'not quite necessary' thing, but something very nice to have, is this code [Legacy TE] Always use PACs instead of PCS files [DukeItOut] * 0484CB40 60000000 47 April 5th, 2020Capeless Black Ike (No Cape) by Mazux, jiang, Pik, nanobuds, ymtah with credit to GIMP team, Intelligent Systems [Character - Texture - Ike] Credit goes to ymtah, jiang, Pik, and Nanobuds for their mod (Alm skin for Ike: Fire Emblem Echoes) which I used, and swapped in the textures from the black armored Project M Ike.Version 1.0Includes: -CSP -BP -SI Tested in Project M 3.6 Legacy TE 2.1 42 August 14th, 2019Nolan (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) Model Import by Lillith with credit to Bird of Light, Vert092 [Character - Import - Ike] Alt .zip link !RCpRAAQL!-tBkJ4tLpizCm5WMNDJuE_iHbLTU_U8H2j7b63psvFcAnother bit of a thing that Bird of Light ripped for me like, last year, mostly just the axe, but Nolan was already ripped by Vert, so no point to ask for that!A 'not quite necessary' thing, but something very nice to have, is this code [Legacy TE] Always use PACs instead of PCS files [DukeItOut] * 0484CB40 600000001 2 3 4 5 ... 35 36 37 38 39 from: the last 3 monthsthe last 6 monthsthe last yearall timeSome things to remember before reporting:Please read the rules regarding Brawl Vault and reporting.
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'Success')$('input[name="massSelect[]"]:checked').each(function()$(this).parents('.hackParent').find('.hackStatus').remove('.mainStatus').prepend('');$(this).parents('.hackParent').find('.hackActions>option[value="delete"]').remove();$(this).parents('.hackParent').find('.hackActions').append('Restore'););););$('.massFlag').click(function()if (!$('input[name="massSelect[]"]:checked').length)alert('You must select at least one entry.');return false;$('#vaultLoading').toggle();$.post('BrawlDB.php', 'action=massFlag&'+$('input[name="massSelect[]"]').serialize(),function(response)$('#vaultLoading').toggle();var data = $.parseJSON(response);alert(data.message);if (data.status == 'Success')$('input[name="massSelect[]"]:checked').each(function()$(this).parents('.hackParent').find('.hackStatus').remove('.mainStatus').prepend(' 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WARRIORS OROCHI 4 OROCHI - Legendary Costumes Others Pack zip Download