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Windowed Mode Kotor 2: The Best Way to Multitask While Playing


Most players probably play their games full screen in Windows 11 or 10. However, you can also play games in a windowed mode. This mode lets you play games in a window with the taskbar visible beneath it.

To find such an option, open the graphical settings for your game from its title screen. Then look for a Display Mode drop-down menu like the one shown directly below. Select a Windowed option to set the game to run in that mode.

windowed mode kotor 2

You might notice some of the Display Mode drop-down menus in your games include alternative borderless windowed and windowed options. The difference between those settings is that the borderless windowed mode runs games within a window without a border. Selecting that option is closer to playing the game full screen, but you can still easily switch to other apps.

Command-line switches (parameters) are launch modifiers you can add to programs to start them in specific ways. You can configure games to start in a windowed mode by adding a -window command-line switch to them. Then your games will launch in windowed mode whenever you select to play them. This is how you can add a window parameter for a game in Windows 11:

DXWnd is a freeware app that enables users to launch games in a windowed mode. It is primarily designed to enable users to start older games in windowed mode. That software has an exports folder that includes windowed profiles for many old game titles. However, you can also set up new window mode profiles for more recent games.

Such a feature has made windowed gaming more desirable. The main disadvantage was the reduced performance that comes with playing games in windowed mode. However, now you can play windowed games much closer to peak performance in Windows 11 with that optimization setting turned on.

Playing games in windowed mode will give you more direct access to the desktop. It is a multitasking mode for gaming that enables you to access other programs and tools as you play. So, it might be quite useful to activate window mode for at least some of your games with the methods above.

Running KOTOR2 in windowed mode. Go to your installation folder and find a file called swkotor2.ini make a copy (to keep a backup just in case). Open it with a text editor, go to [Display Options] and change the line: Fullscreen=1 to Fullscreen=0. Then go to [Graphics Options] and one again look for Fullscreen=1 and change it to 0. Also add the following line: AllowWindowedMode=1

I installed the Hi Res movies but didn't expect any effect as I'm running on an original MAcbook Air so I have a screen res of 1440x900.I Ran in Windowed mode with no results.I also tried emulated desktop with again no luck.

Update: I got Kotor 2 into a window by turning off wifi then the launcher gave me an option to change the settings and go into windowed mode. However if i do the same with kotor 1 it won't show the menu it is like the luncher is too small.

I am playing a game called Bookworm on the Mac, and it starts as a full screen game, and the only way seems to be from its Options to choose not to run in full screen. What if a game doesn't provide such option, is there a way to make it become a window? (force the game to run in window mode instead of full screen).

In discussions about how to run KOTOR in windowed mode, modifying the swKOTOR.ini file is the preferred choice of most players. Go through the steps down below to modify the .ini file and force KOTOR to run in windowed mode.

Note: Assuming that things proceed smoothly, KOTOR is going to run in windowed mode from now on. Still, in times of need, you could change between windowed and fullscreen mode by pressing Alt + Enter.

Step 1:Now first thing you need to understand is that KotOR is old. We are talking about a game released in 2003,that was made for Windows XP at the time. So of course there are gonna be problems for next generations of OS. One of the biggest problems you can and will encounter is your game crashing at the very beginning, on the Lucas Art logo. This is an easy fix, you only have to things to do:1. Go to your swkotor/movies (or Star Wars - KotOR/movies if you have the GOG version)folder, and locate these 3 files: biologo.bik, leclogo.bik and legal.bik. Rename them by changing the extension to .bik.old, and the files won't be run by the game anymore. No more crashes at start anymore, yayy!2. Now if it doesn't entirely work, you may want to run the swconfig program present in the swkotor, and check the Disable Movies. Of what I remember this should only disable intro movies, not the others, but I could be wrong on that and it could be forbidden in speedruns, so I will ask someone of the community on that. While you are in this program by the way, check that V-Sync is enabled, it's really important to play the game properly.

Step 2:Now another problem you may encounter is your game crashing on any single cinematic, or movie, however you want to call it. Why? Because when the game launches a movie, it launches a video file and in a way creates a second window to the game. When it wants to come back however, Windows 10 doesn't follow and KotOR will end up crashing. To fix that you will need to put your game in windowed mode. It's not optimal depending on your pc or laptop but it's the best available choice. To do so, you will need 2 steps again:

1. Go into the root folder of the game and open swkotor.ini with a program like NotePad or WordPad. Scroll down to [Graphics Options] and find the option Fullscreen=1. Switch it to 0, but no, it's not over, there is more!

Heya everyone,I'm not sure if it was the good section to do this, but I didn't see any other so here I am. As you can see I'm not a runner of this game, not yet, but I have played countless hours on KotOR and I had the displeasure of trying to make it work on Windows 10. Now there are already guides on the internet, but I figured a guide here would be cool for people trying to begin the speedrun and not wanting to revert to windows 7 for one game. So here it comes, ladies and gentlemen, easy fixes for KotOR on the bizarre 10th window.Step 1:Now first thing you need to understand is that KotOR is old. We are talking about a game released in 2003,that was made for Windows XP at the time. So of course there are gonna be problems for next generations of OS. One of the biggest problems you can and will encounter is your game crashing at the very beginning, on the Lucas Art logo. This is an easy fix, you only have to things to do:1. Go to your swkotor/movies (or Star Wars - KotOR/movies if you have the GOG version)folder, and locate these 3 files: biologo.bik, leclogo.bik and legal.bik. Rename them by changing the extension to .bik.old, and the files won't be run by the game anymore. No more crashes at start anymore, yayy!2. Now if it doesn't entirely work, you may want to run the swconfig program present in the swkotor, and check the Disable Movies. Of what I remember this should only disable intro movies, not the others, but I could be wrong on that and it could be forbidden in speedruns, so I will ask someone of the community on that. While you are in this program by the way, check that V-Sync is enabled, it's really important to play the game properly.Step 2:Now another problem you may encounter is your game crashing on any single cinematic, or movie, however you want to call it. Why? Because when the game launches a movie, it launches a video file and in a way creates a second window to the game. When it wants to come back however, Windows 10 doesn't follow and KotOR will end up crashing. To fix that you will need to put your game in windowed mode. It's not optimal depending on your pc or laptop but it's the best available choice. To do so, you will need 2 steps again:1. Go into the root folder of the game and open swkotor.ini with a program like NotePad or WordPad. Scroll down to [Graphics Options] and find the option Fullscreen=1. Switch it to 0, but no, it's not over, there is more!2. Then under the [Graphics Options] section, add this line: AllowWindowedMode=1, save, and when you next launch the game, it should be in Windowed mode, and you won't crash on every movie.3. Lastly, if the game doesn't automatically launch in Windowed mode, you will just have to hit Alt+Enter and it will switch without crashing.Now you've done it, you have dodged 90% of the crashes you could encounter with KotOR on Windows 10. If you encounter other problems, some really detailed and complete guides are up on the Internet to help you, but that's the base of it.Hope you enjoyed the guide,Strife

Unfortunately many games are badly ported - so they often do not support it in full-screen mode. Some games (for me Telltale games) allow to switch to a "window" mode - when you are in that it is typically possible to switch.

IF possible, rather than play the game's built in fullscreen mode, play in windowed and then use the arrows at the top right corner on the window, the using f3(on a desktop it may be different on a laptop but it looks like three different sized windows next to each other) and selecting desktop or the game.

Step 1. Press Win + E keys to open the File Explorer, and then navigate to the game installation directory. If you are using Steam, this game is usually located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\swkotor.exe.

Step 5. Click File > Save from the upper left corner to save the changes and exit. Then you need to run the game using the swkotor.exe file from the game directory.

Yeesh, it's all coming back to me how dense this game was with its rules and hazards to avoid. I recall being somewhat competent with it by the time I lost interest, and I've already had one run with a score in excess of anything the CPU has on the high score table. However, the game's standard "Classic" mode is where it's just getting started: there's also the Pro mode that starts faster and throws more hazards at you, and the Challenge mode that gives you the highest difficulty from the outset and a specific condition to meet, e.g. survive X number of seconds or until X number of drops. I don't think I'll be hopping into those modes today though; I'm having a hard enough time over here with Baby Difficulty. 2ff7e9595c


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